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Philosophy Web Resources

Page history last edited by valerie.howard@avemaria.edu 11 years, 1 month ago


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is an open access, peer-reviewed encyclopedia of philosophy hosted by the University of Tennessee at Martin.


Project Gutenberg - Philosophy Bookshelf

Project Gutenberg's philosophy bookshelf is a freely accessible high-quality e-book collection of philosophical works.  The featured titles are ordered by topic.


Voice of the Shuttle - Philosophy

The Voice of the Shuttle features this structured and briefly annotated guide with hundreds of links to online philosophy resources. 



A comprehensive resource for philosophy on the Internet, providing thousands of links categorized by philosopher, topic, and resource type.


Thomistic Philosophy

Inspired by the philosophical methods and principles used by Thomas Aquinas, the Thomistic Philosophy website offers insights into many lingering problems in Metaphysics, the Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion and Ethics.


Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy allows users to compare topics in several different online encyclopedias and dictionaries of philosophy.


BBC Radio: In Our Time (Philosophy Archive)

The philosophy archives of the BBC Radio history-of-ideas documentary/discussion program series "In Our Time".  Each radio discussion runs 45 minutes in length and covers a variety of philosophy topics.

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